[JAD 9, 1] The Münster Red Sky Survey: Large Scale Structures in the Universe

R. Ungruhe, W.C. Seitter and H.W. Duerbeck

[JAD 9, 2] UBV photometry of 56 Ari: 1990-1994

R. E. Fried and S. J. Adelman

[JAD 9, 3] The CTIO nova survey: data

R.E. Williams, M. Hamuy, M.M. Phillips, S.R. Heathcote, Lisa Wells, M. Navarrete, and H.W. Duerbeck

[JAD 9, 4] The CommandLog: A comprehensive method to extract precise stellar photometry from CCD exposures

R. Janusz and R. P. Boyle

[JAD 9, 5] BOOK REVIEW: Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 5 (Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 16)

Wolfgang R. Dick & Juergen Hamel, eds. (Reviewed by H.W. Duerbeck)

[JAD 9, 6]BOOK REVIEW: Die Universitäts-Sternwarte München im Wandel ihrer Geschichte

Reinhold Häfner (Reviewed by H.W. Duerbeck)

[JAD 9, 7] BOOK REVIEW: Tycho Brahe and Prague: Crossroads of European Science

J.R. Christianson, A. Hadravová, P. Hadrava and M. Solc (Reviewed by C. Sterken)

[JAD 9, 8] GAIA and DIVA Photometry: Towards the Fine Structure of the HR Diagram?

T. Lejeune, J. Fernandes and E. Lastennet (Eds.)

IBVS 5201 -- IBVS 5300